Condition-specific massage therapy / Celia Bucci

Bucci, Celia

Condition-specific massage therapy / Celia Bucci - Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, 2011 - XVI, 352 p. : il. ; 28 cm - LWW massage therapy and bodywork educational series .



Condition-Specific Massage Therapy is a versatile book that outlines treatment goals for relieving musculoskeletal conditions in the context of a relaxation/wellness massage session. Students in a basic 500-700 hour program and practicing therapists will both benefit from the techniques outlined, as well as build upon critical thinking and basic massage skills. This book will prepare therapists and students both in the clinical and spa setting for dealing with common musculoskeletal conditions. Templated chapters for 11 of these common conditions apply foundational science to massage practice and move the student from understanding each condition to assessing and working with the client. Each chapter ends with a Professional Growth section, which encourages further exploration and critical thinking.


Masaje--Uso terapeútico

Con tecnología Koha