Android apps: programming step-by-step, + eclipse development platform, + java object oriented programming/ Stefan Schwark.

Schwark, Stefan.

Android apps: programming step-by-step, + eclipse development platform, + java object oriented programming/ Stefan Schwark. - United Kingdom : Elektor, 2012. - 242p. 23 cm.

The Android operating system is increasingly seen on smartphones and tablet computers. Likewise, new user applications - or apps for short - are released every day that allow the phone or tablet to be personalized to match their owners? preferences. The increasing speed and computing power of these portable devices now allow applications to be run that required a desktop PC or custom designed hardware only a few years ago. Meanwhile, any smartphone can determine your exact geographic position, shoot videos - and much more.When it comes to personalizing your smartphone you should not feel limited to off the shelf applications because creating your own apps and programming Android devices is easier than you think.


Programas y sistemas de programación
Aplicaciones informáticas
Android (Sistema operativo)

Con tecnología Koha