Law and religion in the workplace : proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Conference, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 Novembre 2015 = Droit et religion au travail : actes du XXVIIeme colloque annuel, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 novembre 2015 / Miguel Rodríguez Blanco (ed.).

Law and religion in the workplace : proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Conference, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 Novembre 2015 = Droit et religion au travail : actes du XXVIIeme colloque annuel, Alcalá de Henares, 12-15 novembre 2015 / Miguel Rodríguez Blanco (ed.). - Albolote, Granada : Comares, 2016. - XII, 410 p. : il., gráf. ; 24 cm

"This volume contains the proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, held in Alcalá de Henares during the days 12-15 Novembre 2015, about the topic "Law and Religion in the workplace" -- Pag. XI. En la cubierta: European Consortium for Church and State Research.

This volume contains the proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of the European Consortium for Church and State Research. The conference was divided in five working sessions. Each session was introduced by a paper, making a comparative pan-European analysis, and suggesting themes for group discussion. These papers are published in the first part ot this book: 1) Religious freedom at work; 2) Religious ministers and labour law; 3) Autonomy of churches and human rights of the workers; 4) Religion in the workplace in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights; 5) Indirect discrimination and reasonable accommodation in the manifestations of religion in the workplace. The second part of the book contains the national reports delivered from participants from the European Union countries.

Textos en inglés y francés.


Libertad religiosa
Derecho laboral
Derecho comparado

Con tecnología Koha