The EU regulations on the property regimes of international couples : a commentary / edited by Ilaria Viarengo, Pietro Franzina.

The EU regulations on the property regimes of international couples : a commentary / European Union regulations on the property regimes of international couples edited by Ilaria Viarengo, Pietro Franzina. - Cheltenham : : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, , cop. 2020. - XLVI, 562 p. - Elgar commentaries in private international law .

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Inclou annexs


Bienes colectivos.
Régimen económico matrimonial.
Uniones estables de pareja.
Derecho internacional privado.
Béns comuns.
Règim matrimonial.
Unions estables de parella.
Dret internacional privat.

Países de la Unión Europea.
Països de la Unió Europea.

PR 341:347

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