River environment monitoring using UAV images and photogrammetric method / Renu Madhu

Madhu, Renu

River environment monitoring using UAV images and photogrammetric method / Renu Madhu - Riga : Akademiker Verlag, 2017 - 80 p. ; 24 cm. - Natural Sciences Series .


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or UAV is extensively applied in various fields such as military applications, archaeology, agriculture and scientific research. UAVs provide very high resolution images which are helpful for large scale monitoring. UAV systems offer several advantages in terms of cost and image resolution compared to terrestrial photogrammetry and remote sensing system. This study focuses on using the high resolution images provided by UAVs and applying photogrammetric methods for generating Orthophotos, point clouds and Digital Surface Model (DSM). Proceeding which the point clouds were classified into different classes of vegetation using an open source software called Cloud Compare (CC). UAV is one of the alternative ways to ease the process of acquiring data with lower operating costs, low manufacturing and operational costs, plus it is easy to operate. The objective of this study is to make accuracy assessment and comparison of the results generated by different photogrammetric software widely available.


Ríos --Medidas fotográficas
Ríos --Sistemas de información geografica
Aviones sin piloto

Con tecnología Koha